Did you know, John, that whenever you think a brand-new thought, however fleeting, there are switches flicked here? Buttons pressed? Levers thrown? Banners unfurled? Wheels turned? Hats tipped? Winks winked? Angels sent? Connections made? And conga lines formed?

For starters.

You wouldn't even believe me if I told you what happens when you visualize.

Yeah, a-lot-lot.

  The Universe

A really wild Note I wrote, John, about choosing to adventure into time and space, became a book that kids LOVE...

Your Magical Life—The #1 kid's animal book at Amazon!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to ©www.tut.com 

You have such a team here, John. Go on, open the floodgates, make their day.

Now a TOP 100 Spiritual Podcast! 🎧

Listen to the “Spiritual Tune-Ups” Podcast.