John, sometimes, when it seems your wings have suddenly and unexpectedly been clipped, maybe, just maybe, there's more to learn by staying where you are.

Maybe not.


  The Universe

John, we’re now living through exciting, yet pivotal times as a species. Nostradamus, The Book of Revelations, and the fabled Mayan calendar all pointed to this crossroads.

We’re at the dawn of an identity shift of EPIC proportions. The sooner our vibrations rise to match the rising vibrations of the earth, the sooner we will see the prophesized heaven on earth. Illumination, enlightenment, soul integration, and ascension will then be commonplace, and so will miracles.

Join me and 6 channels, over 6 weeks, to learn how YOU can ride this wave!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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John, you decide.

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