Haven't you noticed, John?

The right people always find each other at the right time.


  The Universe

John, in the past few years, I’ve been on a deep dive into the concepts of self-realization, awakening, and illumination, and NOTHING has ever excited me more. It’s been truly electrifying! As the ascended masters have said, the things they have done, we can all do, and more.

Today, a few contemporary channels are bringing forth the “hows,” “whys,” “whens,” and “whos.” They speak in terms of energy patterns, vibrations rising, shifting densities and dimensions. Sharing that as we begin mastering ourselves, we will also begin mastering the physical world around us.

These challenging yet promising times are what the prophecy makers foresaw. We’re at a critical point. Are we going to stumble and have to learn the same lessons as our ancestors? Or are we going to AWAKEN to what’s been beneath our nose since the beginning of time?

The AWAKENING Adventure –> Starts in 6 DAYS –> Click HERE for Info…

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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Yeah, John, it's freaky.

NEW! Join me and 6 world-renowned channels:

The AWAKENING Adventure starts in 6 DAYS!