Thinking, John, is life's only variable.

Everything else was settled a long, long time ago.

Sittin' pretty,

  The Universe

John, tune-in every week for a new LIVE CHANNELED broadcast about your POWER:

August 2 – Lyssa Royal Holt (Channels: Sasha)

August 9 – Salvatore Rachele (Channels: The Founders, Lord Sananda, Leah)

August 16 – Sara Landon (Channels: The Council)

August 23 – Matt Kahn (Channels: Healing Love)

August 30 – Daniel Scranton (Channels: The 9D Arcturian Council)

September 6 – Darryl Anka (Channels: Bashar)

This will be “WOW” –> It starts in 4 DAYS!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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That you think, John, and that those thoughts become things, are pretty much life's only constants. Not counting my unwavering love for you.

NEW! Join me and 6 world-renowned channels:

The AWAKENING Adventure starts in 4 DAYS!