Hoping, wishing, and praying, John, shouldn't ever be confused with doing.

Know what I mean?


  The Universe

Prepare to be WOW’d and excited by today’s LIVE CHANNELED EVENT! I’ll be asking “Sasha” (the Pleiadian consciousness channeled by Lyssa Royal Holt):

* What’s going on with Earth? With humanity? Is this evolution or ascension?

* What's the difference between densities, dimensions, and vibration?

* Is it really possible for us to elevate ourselves to perform miracles?

* Who are candidates for raising their vibration to the level of light? How?

* How can we best surf the wave of possibilities now before us?

* What’s next? What’s coming? What can/should we know/do?

Tune in TODAY to watch “Sasha” CHANNELED LIVE!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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John, as in, "doing all you can, with what you've got, from where you are."

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