You didn't choose this lifetime, John, thinking it would be without challenges. You chose it, in large part, for the very challenges you now face.

You've got it made,

  The Universe

John, several years ago I had a powerful CHANNELED READING from world-renowned mystic, Sal Rachele. He told me things about my life, the people in my life, and even past lives that blew my mind!

TODAY, he’ll be my guest — click here to watch him channel “The Founders.”

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to © 

There are new souls here, John, who envy how your challenges are about to catapult you into higher realms of love and light than they’ve ever imagined.

Our virtual conference is September 8–11.

Join us — the early-bird discount ends in 2 days.