John, no one can be both happy and unhappy at the same time, right?

One blights the other.

So, here's what we do: Pick ANY reason to be happy, and unhappiness gets locked out.

And we do it forever.

Yeah, "OMG!!!"

  The Universe

John, do something powerful this year! Become an Infinite Possibilities Certified Trainer. My LIVE certification training is September 8–11.

Take a chance and fly with me — the early-bird discount ends TOMORROW!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to © 

Did you know, John, that by design, mine, there are always at least 10,000 more reasons for ANYONE to be happy than sad? Actually, the number is much, much greater, but you'd never have believed it.

Our virtual conference is September 8–11.

Join us — the early-bird discount ends TOMORROW!