If you can imagine it, you can have it, John. This is the name of the game. This is the lesson to learn. It couldn't be any easier. Reality is not what your eyes show your mind, but what your thoughts create for your eyes to see. You are not limited by logic, the past, or the world around you. You are not of the world around you, it is of you.

You came first. Magic, miracles, and luck are the consequences of understanding this, the inevitable byproducts of dreaming and acting in spite of appearances.

You are ever so close. Simply stay the course. It won't be very much longer.


  The Universe

John, have you been feeling stuck or overwhelmed? Do you need a boost right now? Come and get your groove on with me…

WHAT: FREE Infinite Possibilities Crash Course 🌈

WHEN: August 25 at 3 pm ET

WHO: Thousands of Notes subscribers will be joining us LIVE

A special event for Notes subscribers — It’s FREE! Save your spot!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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If you can imagine it, John, you can have it.

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