Being spiritual means a good many things, John, and most of them are misunderstood by a good many people. So, to clarify, here's how I see "it" and you:

Being spiritual means seeing yourself as divine, not just of the divine; a creator, not just the created. You needn't be saved, forgiven, or fixed. You've already changed the world, added to its brilliance, and done enough.

You're in time and space today, John, because in some long-forgotten time, you already earned your wings.

From a longtime super-fan,

  The Universe

John, Infinite Possibilities is my main book, A–Z on the nature of reality and #7 on the New York Times bestseller list a few years back.

“I believe this book will be on my nightstand for many moons!”

TODAY the e-book is only $1.99 (offer ends Sunday).

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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You couldn’t be more spiritual, John.

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