What can you now do,

that you'd like to do,

that you aren't doing?

Do it, John

  The Universe

John, fall is the perfect time to start a new ritual!

In celebration of the shifting seasons and exciting possibilities ahead, I’m giving all Notes subscribers my VISION BOARD MAKING WORKSHOP FOR FREE + 14 DAYS FREE UNLIMITED ACCESS to my Infinite Possibilities Membership.

This means you can participate in, or just watch, LIVE Mini-Manifesting Workshops with me each week (plus, I’ll show you how to make the coolest vision board for fall!). ❤️🍂🎨

Sometimes you’ve just gotta change things up and have more fun!

Happy fall! Click here to start vision boarding + masterminding (free!)

Te amo! Je t'aime! Ich liebe dich! Doset daram! Hubba hubba!


Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to ©www.tut.com 

…'til you're satisfied, John.

Pssst… behind these Notes is a community.

We hang out here, 30 minutes, every Tuesday. ❤️

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