The person who remembers they can always reach out and help others, John, never runs out of things to do, always has friends, and rarely needs advice.

You are rich,

  The Universe

John, in case you missed it: I’m giving all Notes subscribers my VISION BOARD MAKING WORKSHOP + 14 DAYS FREE ACCESS to my Infinite Possibilities Membership.

“SO HELPFUL! Thank you for helping me get started on my very first vision board at 60 years old!” * “Gifting me 14 days free membership was the greatest thing that's happened to me for some time (maybe ever). I'll be sticking around for a long time.”

Happy fall! Click here to start vision boarding + masterminding (free!)

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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They worry less, too, John.

Happy fall, John! 💝

Here’s my gift to you.

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