Every single minute of every single day, they’re there, John.

They may be hidden behind circumstances, people, or light poles. Challenges, closed doors, or lost keys. Camouflaged, dovetailed, or whispering. Purring, kissing, or hissing. But more often than not they’re lying about in the open, under a clear blue sky, in plain view. Absolutely. Guaranteed. You’d throttle me otherwise.

10,000 reasons to be happy.

Jumanji, baby -

  The Universe

John, a lot can happen in 14 days… dreams form, insights deepen, transformation unfolds, routines begin, relationships ignite.

The door to my membership is open to you, FREE for 14 days.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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John, how many do you see now?

Happy fall, John! 💝

Here’s my gift to you.

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