Do you realize, John, that today you may or may not receive certain phone calls, compliments, e-mails, surprises, letters, or visitors?

Do you realize that today you may or may not receive word of good or bad news?

Do you realize that today you may or may not encounter certain challenges or victories?

And you're the one who decides them all.


  The Universe

John, when’s the last time you made a vision board?

What would you put on it? Places you want to travel? New experiences you want to have? People you want to spend time with?

I’ll show you how to make a vision board that’s 10,000 times more powerful than just staring at photos.

It’s my gift to you today—my Vision Board Making Workshop is yours, free. ❤️

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to © 

John, be good to yourself.

Happy fall, John! 💝

Here’s my gift to you.

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