For what has been an eternity, John, dwelling in the vastness of the unseen, I've been preparing for these very moments…

You waking up to the truth of your magnificence and power, knowing at last that you're not alone and that you've never been judged. That life is a playground, not a laboratory; an adventure, not a test.

Knowing that you are exactly who you dreamed you'd become, and exactly who the world most needs you to be.

And, perhaps most of all, knowing that your thoughts create, your words shape, and your deeds summon energies befitting gods and goddesses.

Good thing I don't age.

Your highness,

  The Universe

John, the CALENDAR used by royalty, celebrities, and angels... XO

365 days of spiritual hugs and "Cheshire" grins!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to © 

Ahhh… John, you did know that about your deeds, right??

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