John, does gravity make exceptions, pass judgment, or behave subjectively? Does light make exceptions, pass judgment, or behave subjectively? Does electricity make exceptions, pass judgment, or behave subjectively?

And neither does thought. Think whatever you like, John, big or small, rich or poor, fair or unfair, and those thoughts will still strive to become the things and events of your life.

TBT (Thoughts Become Things)!

  The Universe

John, the 7-DAY Creative Visualization Adventure starts in 6 days!

What: Everything I’ve learned from 40 years of visualizing, packed into 7 days

Why: To help you harness the immense power of your thoughts

Price: You choose what to pay

Let’s visualize — 4 minutes a day for 7 days!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to © 

John, it's an immutable law, and you get to choose how it’ll serve you, or… don’t choose.

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