When you visualize a great dream of yours coming true, John, what do you imagine?

Do you see yourself jumping up and down, doing a happy dance, looking to the sky, and shrieking, "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!"? Do you feel the skin on your face stretch as you smile from ear to ear, or the palm of your hands sting as you slap more high-fives? Do you feel your fingers dialing your best friend's cell phone number?

Yeah, I think you should.

"Very should,"

  The Universe

John, there’s a reason why pro athletes use creative visualization before competitions. The mind doesn’t know the difference between imagination and “reality” — if there even is a difference! We can use this to our advantage… and 4 minutes a day is all it takes to change everything.

Are you up to the challenge? Click here to join us!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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Happy tears running down your face, John, tasting their salty bouquet when they reach your lips?

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