You know that feeling, John, of accomplishment, triumph, and sublime joy that immediately follows a job well done, a victory, or a fresh, hot pizza delivery to your door?

I say feel it now.

Go on. Give it to yourself without all the rules.

Your boss,

  The Universe

John, 6,000 people are participating in the 7-DAY Creative Visualization Adventure! 

“OMG! I could never visualize until JUST NOW! Not sure if it's your voice or your creative! But THANK YOU! I cannot wait to work on this...” * “That was such a beautiful visualization, it literally made me cry.” * “So glad to be part of this life-transforming experience!” 

We’re on DAY 2, but there’s still time to join us... START TODAY!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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Feel it later today, too, John. And from now on, let's choose to feel these things often.

The 7-DAY Creative Visualization Adventure is underway…

There’s still time to join us — start today!

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