However do you do it, John? You know, talk and make such sense? Walk and not fall down? Ask and then know the answer? Aim and then deliver? Show up on time? Always get by? Make just enough?

You don't know how, do you?

Haven't got a clue.

And that's exactly how.

You leave the "hows" to Me, as you simply focus upon and move towards your desired end results.

You got this,

  The Universe

John, in case you missed it: For a price you choose, I’m giving everyone access to Manifesting Change: It Couldn't Be Easier (my 10-hour audio program). This is the one about life's most sacred truths, why the law of attraction works, and how to take action on your dreams...

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Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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This is how all dreams come true, John.

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