If you were to give a speech to ten thousand angels, John, who were about to embark on their very first life in the jungles of time and space, do you think they'd furiously hang on to your every word, or would they be far too star-struck to even know what you were saying?

Yeah, the latter.

It was a nice idea though,

  The Universe

John, here’s how the story starts…

“Not all that long ago, in the nether reaches of ad infinitum, there formed a council of fearless explorers — Adventurers much like you, John — who had become bored with perfection, infinity, and all the trappings so familiar to those who art in heaven. Whatever it was they wanted, they got. However they wanted to change it, they did. And whatever they wanted to be, they became. Their existence had become so ‘same old, same old’ that they hardly felt like the great Adventurers they were. It wasn’t enough, they agreed; something had to be done...”

… to be continued (click here to keep reading!)

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. You are legend, John.

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