Know everyone by their good traits, John.

Your heart is opening,

  The Universe

John, LAST DAY for 70% OFF these online adventures! They’re GIFTABLE and arrive by Xmas! ❤️ Enter coupon code HOLIDAY at check-out.

21-DAY Adventure to Discover and Monetize Your Side Hustle

21-DAY Your Wish Is the Universe's Command Adventure

21-DAY Magical Mystery Manifesting Adventure

21-DAY Meet Your Spirit Guides Adventure

Affirmation to Manifestation Adventure

21-DAY Automatic Writing Adventure

21-DAY Lucid Dreaming Adventure

Vision Board Making Adventure

21-DAY Meditation Adventure

21-DAY Angel Adventure

Using All of Your Angels

21-DAY Writing Journey

Art of Channeling

Fast Manifesting

Mindful Magic

Or get ALL OF THE ABOVE, on your dashboard for life (80% OFF!)

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. Speak of them this way, too, John.

NEW! Let’s kick off 2023 with intention & purpose!

The 21-DAY Change-One-Thing Adventure starts January 4

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