Every problem, challenge, or issue, John, shows up in your life with three questions:

  1. Are you ready to see things differently?
  2. Are you ready to live at a higher level?
  3. Are you ready to know even greater joy?

But you really only have to answer the first one.

Just in case you ever have an issue -

  The Universe

John, what does it (really) take to change “one thing”?

Imagine you’re sailing across the ocean, and you change your course by just 1 degree. It might not seem like much at first, you might not even notice it for an hour… but imagine 1 week, 1 month, even 1 year later. You’ll find yourself in a completely different place, surrounded by different people, living a different life. 🌴

Are you up to the challenge of changing “one thing,” which may then change everything?

The 21-DAY Change-One-Thing Adventure starts January 4!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to ©www.tut.com 

P.S. Whenever you say “Yes,” John, your cheering section here goes absolutely bananas.

Don’t wait until January to start planning for 2023. 🌟

Attend my LIVE New Year’s Eve-Eve Party on 12/30!

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