John, soon the new year starts, so now's a great time to:

1. Wipe the slate clean.

2. Focus upon what you really want.

3. Chart your course.

Or is that a bit old school? Feels tiring? Ugh!

How about an adventurous alternative:

1. Give thanks that your life is exactly as it is.

2. Decide that 2023 will be the happiest year of your life yet.

3. Every day, follow your heart and instincts down new paths.

This will be your year, John -

  The Universe

First, John, I’ll have you make one big wish, anything, and you’re to throw all caution to the wind.

Then we’ll talk about how your wish could be made better (it could).

In the days that follow, I’ll turn you into a fire breathing dragon, before I wax philosophically, theoretically, and romantically (à la, “Ain’t life grande?!”).

This way, please, to learn how to manifest absolutely anything, or better.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to © 

P.S. You really are READY, John. And your beautiful vacation home is ready for you.

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Don’t wait until January to start planning for 2023. 🌟

Attend my LIVE New Year’s Eve-Eve Party on 12/30!

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