I can imagine that from your perspective, it must seem like some truly awful things happen in time and space. So, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to weigh in.

John, you live in a world of illusions. A world that springs from a much deeper and far greater reality. And while at times the illusions are indeed ugly, with your physical senses you only see the tip of the iceberg. If you could see the whole, you'd discover that the unpleasantness was only the tiniest piece of a most spectacular puzzle that was created with order, intelligence, and absolute love. You'd see that contrary to appearances, in the grandest scheme of things, nothing is ever lost, no one becomes less, and setbacks are always temporary. And you'd understand that no matter what has happened, everyone lives again, everyone laughs again, and everyone loves again, even more richly than before.

Hubba, hubba -

  The Universe

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To reprint, credit and attribution to ©www.tut.com 

P.S. Time and space are your laboratory and playground, John. Play as hard as you study and let the good times roll. I pretty much owe you this much after the last go 'round…

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