This year, John, will not be just another year.

It's the absolute richest I've ever imagined, with the most possibilities I've ever offered, for the coolest people I've ever known to do the greatest things ever done.

Set the bar high,

  The Universe

John, for the past 40 years I’ve been making vision boards. 🎨

I fill them with photos of places I want to travel, new experiences I want to have, people I want to spend time with, beautiful homes, inspiring quotes…

Essentially, anything that fills me with feelings of LOVE, ABUNDANCE, CREATIVITY, ADVENTURE, JOY, and PEACE.

And I’ve learned how to make them 1,000 times more powerful than just staring at photos. I’ll show you how during my Vision Board Making Workshop!

Click here to join me –> Let’s make our vision boards for 2023 TOGETHER!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to © 

P.S. John, this year is yours, baby. beautiful vacation home and all…

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Grab scissors, glue, magazines and photos… 🎨🖼️

Here’s how to make a powerful vision board for 2023!

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