When you raise the bar, John, I jump higher.

Let’s do this,

  The Universe

Jambo, John!

Something so BIG is happening at TUT, it needs special mention.

Several years ago, we quietly rolled out our Infinite Possibilities Certification Program, and it’s now become the most successful thing we’ve ever done.

Already there are 2,500 Certified Trainers who are "reaching those who haven’t been reached" with the truth about life's magic and our power. We have trainers working with prisoners, teens, women's shelters, the homeless, those in addiction recovery, and in halfway houses. You can still join us "on the ground floor," there's no end in sight for where this seems to be headed.

Attend my FREE WORKSHOP to learn how you can get involved!

“I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship…” 💗


Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to ©www.tut.com 

P.S. We can do it, John. We can do anything.

Love learning about life’s magic and our power? Why not TEACH it?

Attend my FREE WORKSHOP to learn how — Save your spot!

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