When you begin to find love, John, in people and places where you haven't found it before, it's always because you've grown.

You so rock,

  The Universe

John, my Infinite Possibilities Certification Conference is in 8 weeks!

2,500 strong, shining our light on life's beauty and our power! Reaching those who haven’t been reached!

"It lit the fire in me to start spreading the truth." * "I attended as a firm believer in the spiritual principles and left with a new dream to be a coach and teach others." * “Attending was one of the best things I have done in my life. My dream of being a national speaker was realized and now I am also teaching my own material! I'm changing lives and making mine better along the way!"

Attend my live certification training — $200 off today!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. All there is to love, John, has been there all along.

Love learning about life’s magic and our power? Why not TEACH it?

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