There's nothing you've ever done, John, that I haven't significantly done for you.

Not buttoning up your shirt, not brushing your teeth, not finishing your sentences. Not your first job, not your last job, not the friends you've made in between. Not the money you've earned, not the money you've spent, not the home you now live in.

Your part was the simple part. You thought of what you wanted done and you willed yourself to move, which was all I needed to orchestrate more miracles than there are stars in the night sky. Flexing your muscles, spinning your sentences, infusing you with inspiration, and weaving circumstances and players together. All so that you could physically experience the vision you held onto and moved with.

I say we keep it that way.

Keep moving,

  The Universe

John, this will change how you THINK and MANIFEST… ❤️

My next MAJOR event is March 2–5 — the early-bird discount ends Feb. 14!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. I'm even helping you read this, John. Thank goodness for the internet.

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