Everything you give, John, you get back, times seven.

Plus, what you give, grows, times seven.

Plus plus, there's a little-known spiritual algorithm that states whenever love is added to the giving, a beautiful vacation home draws ever closer to the giver.


I give it all to you,

  The Universe

Happy Valentine’s Day, John!

You make a difference in all the lives you touch... and there are so many more people who could benefit from what YOU, alone, can share.

Together, we can reach them! Let’s team up to TEACH others about life’s magic and our power!

Attend my LIVE Certification Training, March 2–5… and become a CERTIFIED Infinite Possibilities Trainer!

This will be life changing… for you and those you will teach.

Let’s do this together — the $200 early-bird discount ends TONIGHT! ❤️

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to ©www.tut.com 

P.S. John, you simply can't give too much.

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