Arms up and out, half bent, hands just above head level, facing your peeps, twirling them in a queen-like circular fashion.

Now smile serenely. Subtly sway to the left, then to the right. Keep with it, back and forth. Don't stop with your hands.

Now mix in a gentle bob, up and down, leaning back and forth...

That's right, John, good.

At your discretion, you might get a little carried away and add a little, "Whoohooooo, Whoohoooo!" as you sway, broadening your smile.


Now, just 10 seconds of this, 10 seconds, even when feeling blue, will always lift your spirits. Your spirits will summon ancient friends. And your friends will lift you higher into the light.

Works every time.

From your ancient friends,

  The Universe

John, these 21 guided visualizations bring me to tears, and I think they will you, too.

21 guided visualizations for love, money, travel, creativity… and more.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to © 

P.S. No one said shimmy, John.

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