Anyone watching you, John?

Good. This is a double-secret exercise.

Pretend you just received a phone call with wonderful, mind-blowing, life-changing news!

As you end the call, your arms fly up over your head with joy. Pumping fists, then waving palms, like you just crossed a finish line before throngs of adoring fans. You cover your face with your hands trying to contain the euphoria, but it doesn't work, so you reach for the sky again while shaking your head in disbelief. You're grinning, crying, and just so happy! YES! Life is awesome and you feel so grateful!

Got it?

Now if someone catches you doing this, just tell 'em it was your pet psychic who called, and they'll forget everything they just saw.


  The Universe

John! Have you heard of Scott Harrison? OMG! Let’s change the world!

Watch this life-changing video — this is our chance!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. Show me what you want to feel, John, create the feeling within yourself, and I'll orchestrate the circumstances, however outlandish, that will help you feel it again and again and again.

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small changes, BIG MIRACLES — Save your spot!

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