John, how much longer before you revel in the awareness that you are enough, that you've done enough, and that you're now worthy of your heart's greatest desires? What has to happen for you to give this to yourself?

No biggie. Just wondering. Take your time.


  The Universe

John, are you ready to spend 3 hours getting re-inspired, re-engaged, and re-EXCITED about your life??

Bring a pen and notepad! Tens of thousands of Notes subscribers will be attending this FREE manifestation workshop! ❤️

small changes, BIG MIRACLES starts tomorrow — SAVE YOUR SPOT!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. John, it's like you won the "lottery" a long, long time ago, but instead of checking your numbers, you just keep buying more tickets.

FREE 3-DAY Manifestation Workshop starts TOMORROW: ✨

small changes, BIG MIRACLES — Save your spot!

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