Today, we're going to make manifesting dreams really, really easy, John.


Now you just go have a ball.

We love you so much,

  The Universe

John, thinking small is the key to making BIG CHANGE.

If you try to change everything, you’ll change nothing.

Instead of thinking, “I want to improve my health,” think smaller: “I want to meditate for 30 minutes this week.”

Profound transformation is created with baby steps…

Tune-in LIVE today and I’ll show you how to choose 1 small thing to do this week that will create a snowball effect of miracles! ✨

small changes, BIG MIRACLES — my FREE 3-Day Workshop starts TODAY!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. John, manifesting dreams has never been easier, in all eternity, than it is right now. Nor has it ever been easier for anyone who's ever lived than it is right now for you.

FREE 3-DAY Manifestation Workshop starts TODAY: ✨

small changes, BIG MIRACLES — Watch DAY 1 live today!

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