Having a dream... Courage.

Visualizing your dream... Persistence.

Physically moving towards your dream... Guts.

Letting go of the "cursed hows"... Wisdom.

The look on your friends’ faces, John, when they see you on the red carpet… Priceless.

Yeah, that oughta light a fire -

  The Universe

Oh man, John! The first 2 manifesting workshops: OFF THE HOOK.

THANKS for all the comments... 😊 45,000 people tuned in!

TODAY I’ll be sharing a formula that will make you a lightning rod for miracles.

3rd and FINAL workshop TODAY, PLEASE BE THERE, it’s FREE!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to ©www.tut.com 

P.S. You were born, John Do, to inspire.

FREE 3-DAY Manifestation Workshop: ✨

small changes, BIG MIRACLES — Watch DAY 3 live today!

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