Do you know why koalas are so cute, John? Why ospreys dance in flight? Why cheetahs run so fast? Arctic terns fly so far? Flowers smell so good? Blueberries taste so blue?

Butterflies flit? Parrots talk? Whales sing? And doves coo?

Because I was having fun… which is my greatest wish for you.

You can,

  The Universe

John, for all the little Light-Beings in your life:

"It's one of the most beautiful books I've ever seen!" * "The illustrations are breathtaking..." * "I hope every child reads and lives by it."

This book debuted at #1 of ALL books at Amazon and Barnes & Noble!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. It’s why you, too, are so incredibly extraordinary, John.

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