Do you have any idea how many princesses have gone unrecognized by their prince because of logic? Or how many princes have gone unrecognized by their princess because of pride?

How many dreams were dashed when the handmaiden answered the door? Or when the gatehouse was mistaken for the mansion? Or when the calm before the storm of abundance and good fortune was viewed as a sign to retreat?

Happily, John, we've got forever and ever. And fortunately, it's never too late to see what one's missed, remain focused on the dream instead of the hows, and move with unwavering faith.


  The Universe

+ If you think, as quantum physicists do, that time and space are illusionary,

+ If you believe, as 92% of the living do, that we survive our physical death,

= Wouldn’t you expect the dead to be bursting with stories, love & inspiration?

Top 10 Things Dead People Want to Tell YOU e-book: Only $1.99 for 24 hours!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. Oh no, John, don't feel sorry for the handmaiden! She stuck around, her prince showed up, they inherited the mansion, and were showered in good fortune forever and ever.

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