John, your thoughts become things.

The things and events of your life.

And there are no mitigating factors, no maybes, no sometimes.

It's an absolute law.

You are me,

  The Universe

John, in case you missed it: For a price you choose, I’m giving everyone access to my 21 GUIDED VISUALIZATIONS on love, money, travel, creativity, and more.... These will help you create a powerful daily visualization practice and become a master manifestor.

"Wow! Today’s visualization is a game changer!" * "Thank YOU deeply for showing us how to LET GO and allow ourselves to LIVE in BLISS!" ❤️

21 Guided Visualizations — normally $99, TODAY ONLY pay what you want!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to © 

P.S. Unlimited, divine, and soon, John, the proud new owner of a beautiful vacation home.

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