Often, John, the very most spiritual thing one can do is get busy.

Physically busy. Hoeing, chopping, planting. Connecting, moving, grooving. Dipping, swirling, twirling.

Especially dipping, swirling, twirling.

2, 3, 4 -

  The Universe

John, over 3,000 people tuned in last year to watch my interview with Sasha, the Pleiadian consciousness channeled by Lyssa Royal Holt.

It was so provocative and powerful we knew that we needed to go deeper over the course of several weeks.

Sasha's message is that “Enlightenment is not something you do… it’s an UNdoing,” and she tells us how to go about it.

This will be profound! Over the course of 4 weeks, I'll be interviewing Sasha and exploring the road map from awakening to self-realization!

The UNdoing starts April 25 — Register now and choose your own price!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. Yes, John, "hoeing" is a word.

“Enlightenment is not something you do — it’s an UNdoing.”

Join me and Lyssa Royal Holt for The UNdoing — starts April 25!

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