Sure, John, you can do less and have more once enlightened… but when your moment of transcendence finally arrives, and at last you realize that the world spins in your very hand, your thoughts literally become things, and there's truly nothing you can't do, be, or have… who would want to do less?

Have at it, Grasshopper -

  The Universe

Embodied enlightenment, John, are perhaps the two words that best sum up how we can live the most extraordinary life possible.

And the first word of that pair is essential in understanding the second. Enlightenment isn’t about doing less and having more... it’s about doing more for the sheer joy of it, fully alive and in tune with spirit. Infallibly guided throughout each moment of every day. Loved and in love.

THE UNdoing starts TODAY — Last chance to join us before it begins!

P.S. Choose your price, 100% money-back guarantee.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to © 

P.S. I know, John, how about a new TV series to improve enlightenment’s image… "Gods Gone Wild"?


The UNdoing starts TODAY! 🌀

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