Mandating subpar products is never going to work out
FEBRUARY 11, 2025

Hey y’all,

This week, President Trump signed an executive order banning the federal government's mandated use of paper straws.


At first glance, this is a silly, comical victory lap on a non-issue that doesn’t really move the needle in the country either way.

And to be clear, it certainly IS that… 

But I think it speaks to something greater that should be at the front of investors’ minds.

While plastic straws are hardly a “hill to die on” for most people, we have to face the facts: paper straws are terrible.

You will never meet a single person, no matter how environmentally conscious they are, who can convincingly argue otherwise.

They dissolve immediately, creating an awful experience for the consumer. No one enjoys them.

We have a lot of visitors come to our Florida offices from over in Europe, where paper straws are the law of the land, and they almost always comment on how nice it is to not have to use one.

Now, again, it’s a silly issue, really. 

But mandating that people use an inferior product isn’t the way to accomplish social change.

The way to improve the world, heal the environment, cut down on carbon emissions, etc. is through innovation — the road forward is always through innovation. 

There are plenty of amazing breakthroughs improving the environment on a daily basis.

Home and commercial solar installations have been a godsend, giving many individuals a chance to power their home virtually for free while cutting down emissions in the process.

There’s a reason a company like FirstSolar (FSLR) has a $17.5+ billion market cap.

The creation of first hybrid cars and now fully electric vehicles was a huge leap forward, as Tesla’s $1.08 trillion market cap testifies — investors continue to view TSLA more as a tech company than an automaker because it’s at the forefront of innovation.

Very few people are truly indifferent to the problem of plastic waste, but as with anything, it’s a question of tradeoffs: how much am I willing to sacrifice to solve the problem?

For many (myself included), paper straws are just a bridge too far 😂Especially when mandated.

I might choose to use a paper straw if given the option, or forego a straw entirely. But when push comes to shove, no one should be mandated to use an inferior product, especially when its use 

Instead, someone should focus on building a better one. 

As I talked about after the inauguration, I am hopeful we’re entering a new age of innovation where the best and brightest will be rewarded for creating new solutions to old problems.

In that environment, someone should be able to solve the straw conundrum. Maybe it’ll be the brand of pasta-based straws called Stroodles that I stumbled upon in researching for this newsletter! 


Whoever it is, if it’s a real solution that makes an impact, I’ll proudly be a shareholder.

Until then, though, I’ll cling to my plastic straws with clenched fists… knowing that they won’t dissolve in my hand the moment I touch them.

To your prosperity,

Stephen Ground

Editor-in-Chief, ProsperityPub

P.S.: Today’s topic was a little bit goofy, but tomorrow’s briefing from Nate Tucci will be all facts: teaching anyone with $2,500 to invest how they could target a $1,250 profit as soon as this week! Make sure you’re signed up here