TODAY'S TOP STORIES - April 1, 2016

Why Are K-12 School Leaders Being Trained in Coercive Interrogation Techniques?

Kali Holloway, AlterNet

With educators being taught how to extract confessions from students, the school-to-prison pipeline shrinks every day.  READ MORE»

Most Americans Won't Make $15 an Hour for Five Years—but Why Not Now, Like in This City?

Jonathan Rosenblum, AlterNet

In the last month, the Fight for $15 quietly achieved a historic milestone that started with airport workers. READ MORE»

The Clash of Trump, Bernie and Hillary Is About to Create a Huge Political Circus in New York

Jack Mirkinson, Salon

The unexpectedly fierce presidential nominating contests are rolling through the Empire State this week. READ MORE»

A Psychotherapist’s Take on Donald Trump’s Outrageously Unfiltered Rhetoric

By Richard Brouillette, Salon

In Trump’s presence, it’s not only OK to be racist; it’s patriotic and even an act of belonging and self-esteem. READ MORE»

Why the Conditions Were Perfect for Bernie's Socialist Crusade

By Robert Kuttner, The American Prospect

Behind Bernie's unlikely appeal is a generation marred by precarious employment and economic disruption.  READ MORE»

Guess What Potentially Devastating Drug Americans Are More Concerned About Than Heroin

By Kristen Gwynne, The Influence

A new poll reveals Americans are more concerned with the dangers of a substance they can buy legally. READ MORE»

Seth Meyers Goes on an Epic Rant Against North Carolina for Its 'Legalized Discrimination'

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

Yet again, a Republican politician failed the test of answering whether or not they have a problem being remotely aligned with KKK beliefs. READ MORE»

French Minister Trashes Muslim Women With Anti-Black Slur—Will She Be Sacked?

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Laurence Rossignol's shocking remarks put French "laboratory of Islamophobia" on display. READ MORE»

For U.S. Media, Victims of ISIL Terror in Europe Are 1,200 Percent More Newsworthy Than Those in Middle East

By Adam Johnson, AlterNet

A comparison of media mentions draws a stark contrast in coverage.  READ MORE»

What's a Boyzilian? The Latest in Pubic Hair Trends for Men

By Carrie Weisman, AlterNet

Researchers say nearly half of women prefer their partners to be either totally or partially pube-free. READ MORE»

How to Make Farmers Markets Accessible to the Poor

By Anna Rohleder, Sustainable Food Trust

To ensure fresh produce is not a privilege reserved for the rich, farmers markets need to accept SNAP benefits. READ MORE»

Trial and Error: Report Says Prosecutors Rarely Pay Price for Mistakes and Misconduct

By Joaquin Sapien, Pro Publica

New report shows how prosecutors get away with putting innocent people in jail.  READ MORE»

A Chicago Teacher Explains Why She's Willing to Risk Arrest in Order to Strike Against the Destruction of Public Schools

By Micah Uetricht, In These Times

The strike will only last a day, but it’s the kind of mass political strike that rarely seen in American labor history. READ MORE»

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