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Get the brand-new pocket guide - a quick reference for filling out the OASIS.   Order Now
The latest revision of the OASIS assessment, effective January 1, 2019, includes the removal of 28 items, the addition of six items, and revisions to seven items. Among the biggest challenges for agencies grappling with the revised assessment are new items GG0170 (Mobility) and GG0130 (Self-Care). These items require scoring of actual performance and a discharge goal for a combined 24 activities.

This brand-new pocket guide provides a quick reference for filling out the OASIS, with tips and callouts on new items, including which items affect case mix, rating, and value-based purchasing reimbursement. This reference explains how OASIS items fit into various assessments and provides troubleshooting tips to avoid incorrect payments, denials, and fines.


This vital resource will help your home health staff:

  • Fill out the OASIS quickly, efficiently, and accurately through easy item reference
  • Recognize updates to the OASIS data set
  • Identify items involved in value-based purchasing


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