5 signs you're ready for a management role
Can’t decide if it’s the right time to step into a management role? Leading a team is no small feat, but if the idea is weighing on your mind, the right answer is probably in your gut. Is your desire to mentor stronger than your itch to execute? That’s your sign from Mother Nature! Here are five signs you’re ready to go after a management role: - You like to share your knowledge, and people come to you for advice when they have questions about their jobs.
- You take a lot of satisfaction in seeing people learning and succeeding.
- You have altitude on your company — you see the way the departments fit together, and you see ways for some of your processes to happen more effectively.
- You get excited when you see others who are inspired by their work.
- You are comfortable being a liaison between employees, and you look forward to making that liaison role a bigger part of your job.