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Donate before our February fundraising deadline!

Countdown clock to the end of February 2022


February may be the shortest month of the year, but tomorrow's end-of-month fundraising deadline is a big one.

We're already working hard to recruit and train candidates, mobilize volunteers, and organize the largest get-out-the-vote effort ever to make sure we elect Oregon Democrats up and down the ballot.

The stakes are high, and the races in Oregon could make or break our Democratic majorities in Oregon and in Congress. That's why we need your help to make sure we can do everything it takes to Keep Oregon Blue in 2022. Will you chip in ahead of our February fundraising deadline?

Donate ➞

Your support right now is critical toward making sure we can Keep Oregon Blue in 2022. It allows us to strengthen the Party and build on our winning strategies to:

  • Increase our grassroots field operations, hire and train more staff and volunteers, improve our voter outreach technology to get-out-the-vote, and elect more Democrats up and down the ballot.
  • Highlight the substantial differences between Democrats and Republicans on important issues like expanding affordable health care, protecting our environment, and ensuring civil rights and workers' rights.
  • Strengthen the Oregon Democratic Party infrastructure and keep recruiting and training candidates who represent and reflect the diversity of our Party, and provide Democratic candidates with the resources they need to win.

We can't elect Oregon Democrats up and down the ballot without supporters like you. If you're able, please donate before our February fundraising deadline.

Thank you,

– Oregon Democrats


The Democratic Party of Oregon is powered by supporters like you. If you're able, please donate to help Keep Oregon Blue in 2022!

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Paid for by the Democratic Party of Oregon | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee | 1220 SW Morrison St. Suite 910 Portland, OR 97205

Democratic Party of Oregon
1220 SW Morrison St.
Suite 910
Portland, OR 97205
United States