How to Study the Bible

Hello, friends –

Today I have a lot of enthusiasm in my heart, and some caution as well.

A few days ago I opened a package in which were proof copies of our soon-to-be-released Prayers for Our Lives.

I am always deeply enthused to offer a new resource for people, because I hear all the time from people that the right book at just the right time became a turning point in their lives.

But this time I also have a sense of caution as well. This book is a collection of prayers I’ve written over the years and powerful prayers from Scripture for individual use or for use in worship. “95 Lifelines to God for Life’s Circumstances” is the subtitle because it includes morning prayers, mealtime prayers, devotional prayers, prayers for life’s troubling times, prayers for friends and family, prayers for worship, prayers for guidance, prayers for celebrations, prayers for holidays, lots of one-sentence prayers, and more. My sense of caution comes from stepping into that sacred space which is your relationship with God. Prayers connect us to God. This is intense. It is sensitive. It is intimate.

I know how much I have been helped by the written prayers that I have found over the years. That begins with prayers in Scripture, of course, and then on to other prayers written by people looking to connect with God—just as I am.

This also seems to be a time when the prayers of the people of God are the most important armor and weapons we have in the face of the unspeakable evil in our world today. I ask myself: What can I do to combat ISIS or to get our political leaders to seek wisdom and move away from foolishness? What can I do for my friends and neighbors facing so much discouragement? What can I do to strengthen families? What should I pray on election day?

We are not helpless. We can pray, and our prayers DO matter. That is why our friends all over the world are asking us to pray for them in these challenging times.

13 days from now we will release Prayers for Our Lives: 95 Lifelines to God for Life’s Circumstances. We are looking for a group of people who would be willing to champion this cause of helping people to pray.

Follow this link to see how you can be in the first wave of people to get Prayers for Our Lives with extra special features, including some free “printable prayers” you can display in your home or office (see the example below).

Thank you and God bless,

Mel Lawrenz

(pictured below: examples of numerous FREE “printable prayers” that you can download and print for your home or office)
Version 2
“Of course prayers would matter if the Lord and Creator of the universe was not interested in hearing from us. But God is. We honor God when we speak to him. And our conversation with God changes us.” Prayers for Our Lives


About The Author - Mel Lawrenz serves as minister at large for Elmbrook Church and leads The Brook Network. Having been in pastoral ministry for thirty years, the last decade as senior pastor of Elmbrook, Mel seeks to help Christian leaders engage with each other. Mel is the author of eleven books, the most recent for church leaders, Whole Church: Leading from Fragmentation to Engagement.

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