Media Winners & Losers

Chris Hayes

MSNBC's Chris Hayes on Wednesday did what a lot of media outlets are being criticized for not doing: he covered Tara Reade's allegation against former Vice President Joe Biden.

New York writer Rebecca Traister joined Hayes on last night's All In, in a segment where the two agreed that Biden must address the allegation directly.

“The man in question, the nominee, the former vice president, is going to have to address them, and not have Stacey Abrams or anyone else," do it for him, Hayes said.

The remarks did not go over well on social media, where the hashtag #FireChrisHayes hit trending topics.

But unlike in the case of today's Media Loser, that negative pushback turned into a positive, as colleagues and journalists entered the hashtag fray in defense of his covering the topic.

And tomorrow, Biden will reportedly be taking Hayes' advice, and on Hayes' own network. Seems like the MSNBC host came out ahead all around.
Ben Shapiro

Daily Wire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro, who once railed against the specter of Obamacare “death panels,” said on Wednesday that the country would have to make “actuarial” decisions about the risks of reopening the economy under the continuing Covid-19 threat.

Shapiro made his comments to the Rubin Report YouTube program, during which he emphasized that an 81-year-old grandparent dying of coronavirus is “not the same thing” as a 30-year-old succumbing.

“Nobody just wants to say the obvious truth,” said Shapiro in the video (which we have posted in full), “which is we’re all making actuarial deductions about what are the costs in terms of how many human lives, how many years of life, because that is an actual issue in actuarial tables. If somebody who is 81, dies of Covid-19 that is not the same thing as somebody who is 30 dying of Covid-19.”

The remark did not go over well on social media, where at the time of this newsletter, Shapiro is still taking heat.


The A-Block

In or Out Like Flynn

President Donald Trump said way back in March that he was “strongly considering” a pardon fof his former national security adviser Michael Flynn

This week, new documents were unsealed in the case, which many on the right say show the FBI was essentially setting up the former General. On Fox News on Thursday, sometime Trump foil Andrew Napolitano definitively came down on the side of a pardon. Fox's Brett Baier used the words "set-up."

Naturally, not everyone agrees.

The president and CNN's Jim Acosta tangled today over the topic.

And Trump even said he might hire Flynn back to his administration. What a twist!

Speaking of Twists

Left-leaning magazine The Week praised Sen. Ted Cruz on Thursday. To be clear, that does say "praised" and "Ted Cruz."

"With his latest legislative effort, he might just have my support," wrote Jeva Lange on the topic of barring the Pentagon from working with movie studios that have altered films to please the Chinese government.

Speaking of Biden

The winning topic for MSNBC's Chris Hayes was not quite so winning for Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday.

Or yesterday, come to think of it.

House Democratic Caucus chair Rep. Hakeem Jeffries handled it a little more deftly.

Mediaite's Tommy Christopher has a question, however: Exactly how is Biden supposed to handle it?


Elon Musk took home media loser yesterday afternoon. But that didn't stop him from digging his heels in deeper later that evening.

"This is fascist. This is not democratic. This is not freedom. Give people back their goddamn freedom," he said of coronavirus lockdowns.

Hitting his base in the face

President Donald Trump got in a bit of a spat with his most loyal base of supporters, most of whom are solidly in the "lockdowns are fascist" camp, when he rebuked them over the Sweden example.

Schadenfreude ensued.

Armed Protesters

That momentary Trump rebuke didn't discourage the Musk-like mobs, however, who descended upon the Michigan capitol Thursday, mostly unmasked, almost entirely un-socially-distanced, but rarely unarmed.

It was quite a scene. Like, a right out of TV type scene.


President Donald Trump has a lower coronavirus response approval rating than every single governor in the United States, according to a new poll. That's gotta hurt.

Good News

The hit NBC sitcom Parks and Recreation, which ended in 2015, will be returning to television on Thursday for a one-night-only coronavirus special.

The 30-minute Parks and Recreation special will air on NBC tonight at 8:30 p.m. ET, directly after the network airs a re-run of last year’s Parks and Recreation special, and the proceeds will go to Feeding America — a food bank charity currently working to feed those in need during the coronavirus pandemic.

Catch the preview here!


"I did not envision they would become some afternoon matinee show."

In Their Words: Mike McCurry, who served for three years as former President Bill Clinton’s press secretary, established the modern concept of live White House briefings airing on TV. He now regrets allowing the real time event, saying such briefings have become an “afternoon matinee show.”

Mediaite's Rudy Takala has the fascinating interview...

Must-See Clip of the Day

Pretending That This is Over

CNN’s Don Lemon served up a pointedly sharp attack on the White House, effectively accusing it of trying to fool the public into restarting the economy by ending the daily coronavirus task force briefings and all but declaring victory over the virus: “That’s all part of the plan for you to think that this is over.”

Not every prime time news rant is worth video of the day, but this was pretty good.

Links We Like

The fight of our lives
via The Article
Why I have problems believing Tara Reade’s current accusation against Joe Biden
- via Patterico

It’s slowly dawning on Trump that he’s losing.
- via The Atlantic
No, the media isn’t burying the Biden allegations.
- via Politico
How to save small farmers from the coronavirus
- via Axios
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