The Goods by InsideHook features can’t-miss deals, product reviews and seasonal round-ups for the discerning gent. This is why we CAN have nice things.

It is our sincere hope that you’ve had a full day with minimal stress. The dog show, a little football. Some turkey, tons of stuffing. A cocktail or three. Lively conversation with loved ones that at no point involved Elon Musk.

It is also our sincere hope that you are now comfortably seated, perhaps with another cocktail by your side, and ready to think about all the Black Friday shopping you should be doing, if not for the aforementioned loved ones, then at least for yourself.

Below, a link to our extensive coverage of the best sales happening through the weekend and into next week. And another to our full slate of gift guides if you're still looking for ideas.

Thanks, as always, for reading.

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's a lot, but we've got you...Read More
A one-stop holiday shop...Read More
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