Plus, how health insurance companies are cleaning up right now, and more...
October 9, 2020
A Thrilling Week Inside Trump’s Flailing Masculinity Death Cult

The president was sick—but strong! Actively infectious—but still man enough to debate!

By J.C. Pan



The Pandemic Has Been Great for the Health Insurance Industry Our corporate care providers may be failing America during this crisis, but that hasn’t stopped them from raking in the profits.
By Libby Watson
No, Joe Biden Doesn’t Have to Answer Your Court-Packing QuestionThe media is becoming obsessed with a distraction from what's actually happening to the Supreme Court.
By Alex Shephard
North Carolina’s Labyrinthine Voting Nightmare A mix of Trumpian meddling, legal holdups, and a bureaucratic mess is putting Black voters at risk this election.
By Nick Martin


The Social Dilemma and the Rise of the Clickbait Documentary Why the Netflix movie falls short as a critique of Silicon Valley
By Elizabeth Pankova
Donald Trump Will Kill Us AllThe president’s wanton disregard for Covid-19 safety protocols, including his insistence on an in-person debate next week, puts people at risk.
By Alex Shephard
The Anti-Social NovelistA celebrated chronicler of human suffering, John Steinbeck could not abide other people.
By Vivian Gornick
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