Media Winners & Losers

Chris Peterson and Spencer Cox

We are less than two weeks away from the election and the candidates competing to be Utah's next governor, Democrat Chris Peterson and Republican Spencer Cox, have released a truly shocking video ad.

It's...nice. Really, genuinely nice. 

Peterson and Cox recorded the ad together, promoting civility in politics and a peaceful transfer of power, no matter who wins on November 3. 

The video begins with the two candidates introducing themselves and saying they both think voters should choose them, but "there are some things we both agree on."

"We can debate issues without degrading each other's character," says Peterson.

"We can disagree without hating each other," says Cox.

The two candidates quote-tweeted each other sharing the video and positively affirmed their commitment to "a peaceful transfer of power" no matter who wins the presidential election between President Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden

The Atlantic’s McKay Coppins called the ads “the most Utah thing ever."

We wish we could say instead that it was the "most American thing ever," but we'll settle for declaring them the Winners of the Day and hoping they inspire many others. 

Watch their uplifting message here. Well done, Utah.

Rudy Giuliani

Yikes, dude. Normally, we call out a Media Loser for making a dishonest argument (which today's Loser has frequently done) or just flat out lying (ditto), but the awful mess that has former New York City Mayor and personal attorney to the president Rudy Giuliani in this space today is well beyond a verbal misstep. 

Sacha Baron Cohen's new film, The Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan, features his character Borat traveling around America attempting to curry favor with the Trump administration, including attempting to marry off his daughter to a Trump insider. 

The pair's comedic misadventures lead them to set up an interview with Giuliani, with Borat's daughter posing as a reporter who Giuliani agreed to meet alone in a hotel suite, flirted with her, and then followed into the bedroom.

Hidden cameras captured all the sordid action that ensued: Giuliani takes off his microphone and lies back on the bed. A Daily Beast reporter who has seen the video clip describes Giuliani as then "sticking his hands down his pants in a suggestive manner.”

The actress playing Borat's daughter is 24, but plays a 15-year-old in the movie. It's not clear that Giuliani knew that information before Cohen's Borat angrily bursts in the room.

Regardless, the whole thing is super cringe, and between the video evidence and Giuliani's own admission back in July that he had he encountered Cohen, it looks pretty much impossible for him to shrug this off. 

The A-Block

We feel ya, Paul

Less than two weeks to go before The Most Important Election In Our Lifetimes™ and we're all getting a bit freaked out. 

So, you might find it cathartic to watch CNN political analyst Paul Begala literally scream to sum up Democrats' stressed and paranoid feelings about these final days. We did.


Meanwhile, the Commission on Presidential Debates' decision to institute a "wait until it's your turn to speak" mute button for the final Trump-Biden debate is getting lots of reaction. 

Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Ronna McDaniel complained to Fox News that the CPD was engaging in “election interference” with its new rule, and said she hopes the organization “does not exist” after the 2020 election.

Former GOP Senator John Danforth, who currently serves on the CPD, defended the commission's integrity against the Trump campaign's attacks in an op-ed, calling the accusations "nonsense."

Late night hosts Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel had some good quips about whether it was even possible to mute our loquacious president

60 minutes...minus 15

CBS' 60 Minutes had interviews planned with both presidential candidates, but the one with Trump apparently didn't end very well.

Trump reportedly stormed out after about 45 minutes of the interview conducted by Lesley Stahl, and did not return for the planned walk-and-talk with Vice President Mike Pence

Of course, there was a mean tweet. And more comments at his rally that evening. 

Meanwhile, Twitter users had some fun mocking Trump's mopey appearance as he walked out of the White House to board Marine One after the interview.

Monkey with a Flamethrower

That fiery metaphor was lobbed by Mark McKinnon, former GOP strategist and host of Showtime's The Circus, as a way to explain how the Trump campaign has been handling their cash. Spoiler alert: not very prudently.

Fox News gets techie ahead of the big day

In just 13 days it is ELECTION DAY IN AMERICA, and Fox News has unveiled splashy new graphics and a virtual set -- provided by the tech company that created gaming phenomenon Fortnite -- in anticipation of the event.

Check a preview of the new set below, via Fox News:

Celebrity endorsements

Does it matter which political candidate celebrities endorse? We're not convinced but do find it interesting that several noteworthy names who have a history of being apolitical are speaking up now. 

Both Mel Brooks and Tyler Perry have largely stayed out of the political fray -- Brooks has never publicly endorsed a political candidate -- but endorsed Biden this week.

Brooks filmed a short video with his son and grandson standing behind him, separated by a glass sliding door, noting that they couldn't join him because of the pandemic. 

“They can’t be with me. Why? Because of this coronavirus,” said Brooks. “And Donald Trump’s not doing a damn thing about it.”

“When you have influence, you have to be careful of how you use it and be specific in your choices of what you use,” said Perry, explaining that he was breaking his silence because he worried about the future for his son.

A group of stars from the Marvel Avengers movies filmed a PSA urging people to vote for Biden, and Chris Pratt got dragged on Twitter for not participating, but his costars loudly defended him as "the best dude in the world" and someone who "is just not overtly political as a rule."

Drinking the Kool-Aid

Idiocracy wasn't supposed to be a documentary, but here we are.

A new poll revealed that 50 percent of Trump supporters believe “top Democrats are involved in elite child sex-trafficking rings,” a core belief of the lunatic QAnon conspiracy cult, with 33 percent not sure, and 17 percent against the theory.

Read the depressing details here.

Must See Clip

A good, soul-cleansing cry

Dolly Parton is a national treasure, and she was at her heartfelt best in an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Tuesday night. 

Parton chatted with the late night host about her songwriting process and how much it meant to her for others to sing her songs and to be able to reach people through her music.

She brought up folk songs that she remembered from her childhood that her mother used to sing, and then broke out into a lovely a cappella rendering of "Bury Me Beneath the Willow."

Colbert was clearly moved by her performance and told Parton, “Like a lot of Americans, I’m under a lot of stress right now, Dolly. You got my tripwire right there. I’ll tell you. That was pretty beautiful.” 

Parton responded in her kind way, talking to Colbert about the power of a good cry to cleanse the soul. 

Get some tissues and watch the sweet moment for yourself.

In Case You Missed It -- A Mediaite Exclusive: Fox News Passed on Hunter Biden Laptop Story Over Credibility Concerns

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