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Chicken Soup for the Soul
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When "Just Friends" Become More — Finding Your Soul Mate Right in Front of You

A Couple of Patriotic, Moving Stories that Will Get You Ready for the Fourth of July

FRIEND FRIDAY – Jaymin Patel Makes a Living Inspiring People But Our Favorite Thing about Him Is His Bollywood Love Story


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A Winning Attitude
From Chicken Soup for the Soul: What I Learned from the Cat
By Brianne Schwantes

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
~Winston Churchill

I was born with a rare bone disease called osteogenesis imperfecta. My parents were told that I would never live to be a day old... then a week old... then a month old. But I was a fighter from day one and even though I have broken hundreds of bones in my lifetime, I never let that break my spirit.

When I was eight, I was going through a really hard time. I was about to go into a very dangerous neck surgery and my whole family was nervous. One day, my mom and I were on our way back from a particularly painful appointment at the hospital and she said, "Brianne, what would make you most happy in the world, anything, just name it." In her mind, I think she was hoping that I was going to ask for an ice cream cone from McDonald's or a pair of new shoes. Instead, at that moment, we passed a sign on the side of the road advertising "free kittens." Noticing my mischievous smile, she knew what my answer was and pulled into the driveway of an old farm house where the kittens were. (Keep reading)

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4th of July Summer Fun!

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Watch as Holly Baker, host of Vacation Rental Potential, expertly prepares a grab-and-go beach bag your summer guests will surely love and appreciate!

Chicken Soup for the Soul Pets

Did you know July is National Lost Pet Prevention Month. With holiday celebrations pets can be subjected to loud and unexpected noises that can send them into a panic. If your pet gets lost, act quickly. Click here for information on what to do if you've lost your pet.


Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Miracle of Love on sale now!

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101 stories of true love, serendipity, and destiny.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Empowered Woman on sale now.

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101 inspiring stories from women who have found their courage, their confidence, and their true selves!

Looking for summer reading suggestions? Here are a few of our favorites:

Chicken Soup for the Soul book covers