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Writer's Digest
A Writers Conference Survival Guide
z Kenower Bill 100
You're going to a writers conference. You've booked your travel and are excited and ready to meet fellow aspiring writers, fawn over your established writing heroes and maybe accomplish that Big Next Step in your writing career, whether it be finding an agent, publisher or key connection. Easy, right? You just show up? Read More...
Steal These 31 Writing Prompts!

Writer's block? Get your creative juices flowing with 31 Writing Prompts to Inspire You Through the Month!

These prompts are easy, fast, and fun. They'll help fire up your imagination and encourage you to dig deeper as you write. Plus, they'll prime your brain to become an idea-generating machine. Whenever you sit down to write, you'll jump right into the flow.

Get your FREE 31 writing prompts here!
Tips on Writing a Sequel (When You Didn't Plan to Write a Sequel)
z Ellen Kushner 100
Here are tips on how to revisit a world you've written about before and grow it into additional novels. Read More...
WD e-newsletter WOTS 125x125
Located on Puget Sound, Edmonds WA, featuring over 30 sessions on the craft and business of writing, including manuscript critiques and writing contest.
How I Got My Agent: Julie Shepard
z Julie Shepard 100
Debut author Julie Shepard shares her nervousness in receiving a request for a full manuscript from a literary agent's assistant-and why waiting to hear from the actual agent was worth it.

PLUS: Julie is giving away one signed, hardcover copy of ROSIE GIRL. Interested in winning? Click to find out how.
Read More...
Spalding University offers a Top Ten low-residency MFA program. Offering 6 areas of concentration. Application deadline: August 1. Flexible scheduling, cross-genre study, travel abroad.
3rd Annual Mystery & Thriller Online Writing Conference
3rd mystery thriller online conference
Writer's Digest University is pleased to present an exclusive online event for mystery & thriller writers! On August 5th and 6th, our 3rd Annual Mystery & Thriller Online Writing Conference will provide expert insights from SIX award-winning and best-selling authors on the finer points of how to write within the mystery and thriller genres. Spend the weekend learning techniques for honing your craft from seven different published authors*, then (if you choose) pitch your novel via query letter to a literary agent specifically looking for material in the mystery or thriller genre. The agent will provide you with a personalized critique of your query - and maybe ask to see more. Read More...
FREE WEBINAR: How to Revise Your Manuscript
In this free live webinar on Tuesday, July 25, five top Reedsy editors will share their ultimate manuscript revision tips for both fiction and non-fiction. They'll tell you what common errors to look for, how to go about the rewriting process, and how to know when your manuscript is finally ready for querying. So if you just finished your first draft, or have a manuscript in the works, this webinar is the perfect opportunity to learn directly from publishing experts. Sign up here ...
You've Got Mail: What Writers Need to Know About eNewsletters
z Dinsa Sachan 100
In the crowded world of social media, an e-newsletter gives writers a direct line to readers. Read More...
Your Weekly Writing Prompt
Where Everybody Knows Your Name: You've been going to the same bar every night for the past five years. In fact, you're such a regular that when you enter the, the other patrons yell your name and the bartender already has your drink waiting for you. But then one Friday you arrive and no one seems to recognize you, not even the bartender. What's going on?

Post your response (500 words or fewer) in the comments here ....
Brian A. Klems
Follow @BrianKlems
Brian A. Klems is the senior online editor of Writer's Digest and author of the popular gift book Oh Boy, You're Having a Girl: A Dad's Survival Guide to Raising Daughters.
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